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Video Documentation: Roman Verostko (b.1929- )

from Idea in mind to idea in code..

Roman Verostko: Steiner Lecture, Center for Creative Inquiry, 04/24/2019. Carnegie Mellon University.

PDF of Lecture Announcement

Pioneer Plotter by Elizabeth von Dam, 2006. Shows pen plotter changing pens and drawing lines. Also see the artist load a brush on the plotter's drawing arm and see the plotter execute brush strokes.

2006. Video documentation by Elizabeth Van Dam. Shown at Laboral with a pen plotter in

Dick Berryman Show
Berryman interviews Roman Verostko

March, 1973
London, Ontario


John Flomer, Producer.
Minneapolis Television Network,  Aired on "Cable Arts Presents", Rogers Cable System. 1986.
DON SHELBY   "the machine says 'hand me a brush!' " 2:40 min. See Verostko's machine demonstrate  brush strokes for his 'Dragon Mountain One' located in the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. 
STEVE DIETZ interviews
                  ROMAN VEROSTKO

Walker Art Center, 8-27-2002.  Session probes Roman's  experience of the historic  digital art milieu in Minnesota.      

 "ars sine scientia nihil est" --  attributed to Jean Mignot, 14th C  

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